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Sunday, September 30, 2012
NEW POWEr cOST cOMPAriSONS Levelised Cost of Electricity for a Range of New Power Generating Technologies
The capital cost of Solar PV has dropped faster so these figure will have to adjusted.
The capital cost of Solar PV has dropped faster so these figure will have to adjusted.
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Welcome, PVOutput is a free service for sharing and comparing PV output data.
If you own a solar system please contribute your power output readings.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Electricity Generation Cost Model - 2011 Update Revision 1 Department for Energy and Climate Change
Electricity Generation Cost
Model - 2011 Update
Revision 1
Department for Energy and
Climate Change
This report provides the supporting information to the update of cost assumptions and technical inputs
for the DECC Levelised Electricity Cost Model.
The report begins by defining the scope of the work which PB undertook and the general limitations
which were experienced. The methodology of the work, including the general approach and the data
sources used, are then detailed. Also, any fundamental changes which had to be made to the model
are explained.
The main focus of the report is an analysis of the methods and assumptions used to update the cost
and technical inputs. The main parameters of key timings, technical data, capital costs and operation
and maintenance (O&M) costs are discussed in full.
The report is concluded by giving an overview of each technology, in terms of the notable updates
and key reasons behind these updates. The current state of the technology and any expected future
changes are also discussed.
A summary of the updated cost assumptions and technical inputs have been included in the
appendices of the report, along with the subsequent levelised cost results
Electricity Generation Cost
Model - 2011 Update
Revision 1
Department for Energy and
Climate Change
This report provides the supporting information to the update of cost assumptions and technical inputs
for the DECC Levelised Electricity Cost Model.
The report begins by defining the scope of the work which PB undertook and the general limitations
which were experienced. The methodology of the work, including the general approach and the data
sources used, are then detailed. Also, any fundamental changes which had to be made to the model
are explained.
The main focus of the report is an analysis of the methods and assumptions used to update the cost
and technical inputs. The main parameters of key timings, technical data, capital costs and operation
and maintenance (O&M) costs are discussed in full.
The report is concluded by giving an overview of each technology, in terms of the notable updates
and key reasons behind these updates. The current state of the technology and any expected future
changes are also discussed.
A summary of the updated cost assumptions and technical inputs have been included in the
appendices of the report, along with the subsequent levelised cost results
Friday, September 28, 2012
L E V E L I Z E D C O S T O F E N E R G Y A N A L Y S I S – V E R S I O N 5 . 0
L E V E L I Z E D C O S T O F E N E R G Y A N A L Y S I S – V E R S I O N 5 . 0
Levelized Cost of Energy Comparison
Certain Alternative Energy generation technologies are becoming increasingly cost-competitive with conventional generation
technologies under some scenarios, before factoring in environmental and other externalities (e.g., RECs, transmission and
back-up generation/system reliability costs) as well as construction and fuel costs dynamics affecting conventional generation
L E V E L I Z E D C O S T O F E N E R G Y A N A L Y S I S – V E R S I O N 5 . 0
Levelized Cost of Energy Comparison
Certain Alternative Energy generation technologies are becoming increasingly cost-competitive with conventional generation
technologies under some scenarios, before factoring in environmental and other externalities (e.g., RECs, transmission and
back-up generation/system reliability costs) as well as construction and fuel costs dynamics affecting conventional generation
Levelized Cost of Solar Photovoltaics in North Carolina of Solar PV in North Carolina-FINAL.pdf
Key findings from this report include:
For many electric utilities, solar PV systems greater than 10 kW with federal and state tax credits were at grid
parity or cost competitive with commercial retail electricity prices in North Carolina in 2011.
Solar PV systems greater than 500 kW with federal and state tax credits achieve grid parity or become cost
competitive with commercial retail electricity prices for all North Carolina electric utilities in 2015.
Solar PV systems greater than 10 kW through 500 kW with federal and state tax credits achieve grid parity or
become cost competitive with commercial retail electricity prices for all North Carolina electric utilities in 2018.
Solar PV systems 10 kW or less taking federal and state tax credits achieve grid parity or become cost
competitive with residential retail electricity prices for the majority of North Carolina electric utilities in 2020.
For many electric utilities, solar PV without federal and state tax credits will be at grid parity or cost competitive
with retail electricity prices in North Carolina in 2020.
Key findings from this report include:
For many electric utilities, solar PV systems greater than 10 kW with federal and state tax credits were at grid
parity or cost competitive with commercial retail electricity prices in North Carolina in 2011.
Solar PV systems greater than 500 kW with federal and state tax credits achieve grid parity or become cost
competitive with commercial retail electricity prices for all North Carolina electric utilities in 2015.
Solar PV systems greater than 10 kW through 500 kW with federal and state tax credits achieve grid parity or
become cost competitive with commercial retail electricity prices for all North Carolina electric utilities in 2018.
Solar PV systems 10 kW or less taking federal and state tax credits achieve grid parity or become cost
competitive with residential retail electricity prices for the majority of North Carolina electric utilities in 2020.
For many electric utilities, solar PV without federal and state tax credits will be at grid parity or cost competitive
with retail electricity prices in North Carolina in 2020.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
[தமிழ் மன்றம்] Re: [தந்தை பெரியார்] கூடங்குளம் அணு உலையும், மின் தடையில்லா தமிழகம் என்ற மாயையும்…………மொழியாக்கம் – நற்றமிழன் - தமிழ் மன்றம் | Google Groups
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
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