Calgary by night

Calgary by night
In front with Bow River

Coal Price

Coal Price
Increasing rapidly like Oil Price

Average Price of Electricity with Solar panel cost at $1/Wp as of now 2010 Violet curve

Average Price of Electricity with Solar panel cost at $1/Wp as of now 2010 Violet curve

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

European PhotoVoltaic Industry Association (EPIA): EPIA Publications

European PhotoVoltaic Industry Association (EPIA): EPIA Publications

Solar Generation 6 - Executive Summary

Date: October 2010
Solar Generation 6 Executive Summary2 (2MB)

This publication is the sixth edition of the reference global solar scenarios that have been established by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) and Greenpeace jointly for almost ten years. It provides well documented scenarios establishing the PV deployment potential world-wide by 2050. The Solar Generation Paradigm Shift Scenario predicts that by 2050, PV could generate enough solar electricity to satisfy 21% of the world electricity needs. This represents a total of 2,260 TWh of solar PV electricity in 2030 and up to 6750 TWh in 2050. This would come from an installed capacity of 1845 GW in 2030 and 4670 GW in 2050, to be compared with 23 GW installed in the world at the end of 2009.

Photovoltaic Observatory - Policy recommendations

Date: September 2010

Unlocking the Sunbelt Potential of Photovoltaics

Date: September 2010
EPIA Unlocking the Sunbelt Potential of Photovoltaics v2 (8MB)

This report presents findings regarding possible scenarios under which the Sunbelt PV potential could be unlocked, namely, the Base, the Accelerated and the Paradigm shift. The study further examines the countries which might be first in line to do so, given the attractiveness of PV for their economies and the overall investment climate they offer. The result is graphically summarised in Figure 1, showing PV potential of 66 Sunbelt countries that jointly constitute one large Sunbelt PV potential. This underlines two main messages: while PV potential differs depending on country size and suitability, there is significant potential in every country of the Sunbelt. And jointly, the PV potential of Sunbelt countries amounts to a major contribution to satisfy power demand and decrease the world’s dependency on conventional fuel sources.

Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics Until 2014

Date: May 2010
Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics until 2014 (2MB)

The European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA) has just released its publication “Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics until 2014”. The publication provides detailed figures for the 2009 market and an outlook on the global and main markets until 2014.

In 2009, the global solar photovoltaic (PV) market reached 7.2 GW and the cumulative PV power installed totaled over 22 GW world-wide compared to 15 GW in 2008. With around 3.8 GW of newly-installed PV power, Germany remained the largest market in 2009, followed by Italy with 730 MW of additional capacity in the last year.

EPIA Annual Report 2009

Date: April 2010
EPIA Annual Report 2009 (3MB)

Although 2009 will remain financially as the worst year since the 1929 crisis, the Global photovoltaic (PV) industry did not go through the same turmoil as conventional industries. One could feel this dynamic especially at our last 24th EU PVSEC in Hamburg which registered a new record number of participants and exhibitors. However 2009 has been prefiguring many challenges that will have to be faced this year and in the coming ones. With the boom of the German market in wait of a feed-in tariff review, the global market size has maintained a positive growth; however it is more than ever essential that our sector does not rely on one single market. It will be vital in 2010 to keep existing markets going and make sure to open new and substantial ones inside and outside Europe.

Photovoltaic energy, electricity from the sun

Date: April 2010
Electricity from the Sun 2010 - English version (4MB)

This general publication about solar Photovoltaic electricity is dedicated to the widest audience and has been published in the frame of the Solar Days, held on the 15 and 16 May 2008, and updated in March 2010.

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